Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Anas Hakeem

I ran out of ideas dah nak tulis about this lil fella. The third child of my sis.

Anas Hakeem is his name. Born on 22nd of May, 2006, weighted 2.51kg. Smallest of all three. About two years after Luqman. Delivery tak la complicated sgt, sbb my sis dah awal2 choose nak caeser.

A tough bloke. Had a gud survivor instinct. Nak lawan kakak die yg 4 thn tuh. Have to la. If not asyik kena buli je ngan kakak die. Imagine la, kena pukul or ketuk kepala slamber2 ajer. Tp, budak nih have a fair share of mischief as well. Kakak die tgh syok2 tido, die la yg pegi kaco. Tarik rambut sme. Tp kadang2 cium jugak, peluk. Sayang. Same cam kakak die, adik die tido, cium, sayang. Then br kaco. So kalo nak kasi dua-dua tak kaco each other, kena tido tmpt2 len. Tp mlm mmg wajib la tido ngan ummi n abah die.

Hakeem has a very notty and cheeky face. Wat kitorang rase geram je nak gigit2. Luv his laugh. He's a very jovial kid. Tp sgt panas baran weeii. Kecik2 dah tunjuk belang. Tak dpt ape2, mengamuk. Know how? Geget org, carpet, or wuteva yg ader depan die at the time. Ader one time die nak marah kat kakak die sbb kaco die, die pegang tngan kakak die, tp pegang budak kecik, kakak die smpt la tarik, last2 die tergeget tgn die sendri. Satu rumah terkejut dgr die nangis time tuh. Klakar pun ader gak la. Hahahah.

And same as his sis, die nih pun dah pndai ckp simple words. Ummi, abah, wan, aki, kakak, chantik, ampu (lampu), ta ta (star). Hehehe. Biase la. Budak2, 11 months old baru. Takkan nak ckp in a perfect word kan? Cut him sum slack la. Hahaha.Mcm kakak die jugak, die lmbt skit bab2 jalan nih. Skrang nih nak berdiri pun takut. He may looks kecik molek, tp agak berat jugak la. Just like Luqman, bdn die jenis yg mantap gitu. Hehe. Tp die nih kecik skit dr Luqman dulu. Mase die dlm 4 bulan, he looks so much like Luqman mase Luqman 1 months. So similar, that bile org tgk gambar Luqman dulu, bleh ingat Hakeem.

Hakeem, sgt active. Not at all like kakak die at the same age. Maybe sbb laki kot. Panjat sini, panjat sane. Active. Tak duduk diam seminit pun if he's awake. Kalo atas katil tuh pun die boleh turun. Luckily kitorang dah ajar awal2, if die nak turun, turun kaki dulu, so die akan pusing badan everytime die nak turun katil. So far, takde la kes die jatuh katil lagi. Hampir2 la, but then tuh mase die kecik lagi. Alhamdulillah my sis smpt smbut. Mother instinct. Tgh tido pun bleh sedar. :)

For me la, nakal si Hakeem nih die cover utk Luqman skali. Hahahah...Can't imagine camne nak jaga 3-3 had Luqman is still with us. As i said b4, semua ader hikmah die. Alhamdulillah we have Hakeem utk melepaskan rindu to Luqman.

More pictures at

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