Monday, September 24, 2007

VMA 2007

Yesterday, watched the VMA 2007 with my hosmets. Hehe.. Bukan men lagi kitorang mengutuk britney. My god, die mcm malas nak perform. Takde excitement cam dulu. Mcm a boring chore jer die wat. Ms tgk die perform tu, mcm cannot relate die ngan the 'legendary ms britney spears' tu. Cam totally diff person. Hehe..

Anyway, berbaloi gak la menunggu tuh..Tgk justin perform mak aiii...kitorang kat umah tuh, goes gaga...hehe...*drool* comey btul la mamat nih..Tgk die perform ngan 50 cent pun, comey giler..."she wants it, she wants it" haha..
giler kejap...:p

Baby this a new age, you like my new craze
Let's get together maybe we can start a new phase
The smokes got the club all hazy, spotlights don't do you justice baby
Why don't you come over here, you got me saying

I'm tired of using technology, why don't you sit down on top of me

I'm tired of using technology, I need you right in front of me
Ooh, she wants it, uh uh, she wants it
Ooh, she wants it, uh uh, she wants it
Ooh, she wants it, uh uh (soo), I got to give it to her

Your hips, your thighs, you got me hypnotized, let me tell you
Your hips, your thighs, you got me hypnotized, let me tell you
Your hips, your thighs, you got me hypnotized, let me tell you
Your hips, your thighs, you got me hypnotized, let me tell you

Hhmmmm....*day dream*

Pastu, yg kitorang dpt observe smalam is the female performers and presenters, mostly ader big butt n thighs.. kitorang cam wonder, fesyen ke skrang nih. haha. so im not the only one yg ader problem with my thigh. Nyampah tgk, bile gemuk skit, situ la naik dulu. Bodo.. Hehe...Tp tak kisah, bulan pose nih i manage menurun kan my badan. Even my tite jeans dah tak tite dah. my lil niece ckp kat that someone 'nana tak gemuk pun, nana kurus jer' Oh yeah...hahaha...
*wide grin*

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