Saturday, September 22, 2007


In memories of Adik Nurin Jazlin.

Following this case, hati sape yg tak sedih? Sape yg tak wonder? How could a person calling himself a human can do this to a child? Who in his right mind sanggup buat camtuh? I just dun know wut to say. The feeling is so strong towards this case. Hatred to the person yg did this to a child, sedih, kesian, wonder. Criminal cases kat malaysia nih makin menjadi2. And to take advatage on a child. This is so wrong. :'(

N smalam, i saw this tv series. On physchopath killer. He claimed yg he was the messager of God. N cam die ingat die bleh hukum org yg wat salah. Giler physcho la. Ntah ape ntah nak jadi ngan dunia skrang nih.

Imagine wut the world will be for our children or children's children nnt. Just to think of the prospect pun dah wat i shudder. Nauzubillah. I really hope this world can be a better place.


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