About the pertabalan agung thingy nih. Today as you can read the time and date of this posted blog is Wed 25th Apr. Which means that the hari pertabalan agung is tomorrow. But we yet to decide whether tomorrow nih cuti or tak. The thing yg agak pissed me off about this is, im planning to go back to kuantan (im working in kerteh, which is only 1 1/2 hrs drive from kuantan with my kancil, but still). If tomorrow tak cuti, I'm thinking of applying for cuti. Hari nih baru decide, sbb tgh fuming tak tau cuti ke tak nih. Geram, smalam smpi mimpi2 pasal cuti nih tau. Takde la, if tak nak kasi cuti pun, i dun mind. Jgn bg kitorang mengharap n waiting. Tu jer. Ape susah nyer. Plus i got a few things to settle kat kuantan nih. Tu yg lagi nak marah.
If anyone wonders why im raving about this one day cuti, fyi, our weekend is only friday. Im working 5 and a half days a week, sumtimes 6 la. And cuti tahunan is 14 days, and also public holiday is 10~14 days minus deepavali, new year, chrismas, wesak. Another thing yg add up to this injustice is one of our staff at our company dpt saturday off. Which means that she gets a total of 52 days xtra cuti from the rest of the staffs which includes me la. So, u decide sendri la ptt tak i nak fight for this one day cuti punyer hal.
Enuff la Im raving about this pertabalan agung nyer kes. Another thing about cuti is utk pergi bercuti. Mende nih dah discuss dr last year lagi. Tp ditunda n ditunda. N diubah n diubah. Kalo nak crite pasal nih, lagi tak abis la. Ishk, sng ckp, kitorang ader plan nak gi taiping, then cancel. Plan gi melaka. Then again cancel, sbb dgr2 cam nak wat motivasi sehari, so seme org object. Its not the motivasi yg big deal sgt, tp motivasi the whole day, of course. Here's the scenario, kitorang nak bertolak from kerteh to melaka on thurs morning. ETA maybe dah evening. Of course that nite, seme penat, maybe just go out n have dinner then retire. Then, jumaat nak wat motivasi the whole day. Maybe mlm just pegi tgk a lil here n there. Then the next day, saturday dah nak blk. Mane bercuti nyer? Duhh... Of course seme org object. So, kitorang ckp kat our bosses, if nak guna duit rekreasi (duit kitorang yg dipotong rm10 per month, plus duit yg budak2 nih tlg calibrate n duit rental brg2) baik kite wat family day or bbq dkt2 sini jer. Then if nak wat motivasi, wat kat sini jer. Jimat mase, duit n tenaga. Tp nih pun tak dpt nak come out dgn decision lagi. So just wait and see.

Hmmm....just need to wait and see jer la....
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