Monday, October 29, 2007

"Funny la Korang nih"

Hehehe...bile nak tulis post nih pun dah tersenyum2 sendiri...heheh...cannot forget la yesterday's nite incident.

Mcm2 berlaku smalam. 1stly mari la sy bercerite dr mule..remember my story about my hosmet yg ktorg tegur sumthing n bende tuh dah mengeruhkan keadaan yg die kluar rumah tuh. well...die dah ader umah baru, n dah ader new hosmet. there's a lot of citer before this, of how die pesan kat hosmet die about sumthing n to our new hosmet jugak about us.

Anyway, this post is not about that...this is about the open house yg die wat smalam, which *tshk tshk* we are not invited. hehe...yg terase sgt2 are our hosmets yg satu ofis ngan diorang. owh, die punyer new hosmet is ofismate pada 2 of our hosmets. n kire cam, kenal, n si hosmet die nih slalu gak la col or msg my hosmets nih. And it was such a shocked bile die tak jemput my hosmet nih. Yelah, die jemput her ofismates yg len, in the presense of my hosmet nih, tp die takde courtesy pun nak ckp nape die tak invite my hosmet nih. Ala, kitorang pun akan fhm la kalo die ckp pasal our x-hosmet nih. hehehe...

So anyway, bg membawa hati2 yg terase nih, kitorang pun mkn besar kat tong juan tmpt yg popular ngan stuffed carb die tuh. So kitorang pun mkn ngan bess nyer kat situ. sambil main uno n mendengar citer sharn. Yg wat ita n me tergelak2 kan die, sbb die sgt lost mase men uno tuh sbb dok asyik bercerite. So, tak pegi open house die pun, kitorang takde la tak hepi ke ape..

Nway, sbb curious, n ktorg dgr citer mcm2, siap ade khemah seme, so kitorang pun plan, after blk mkn tuh, kt gi round area umah diorg nih. Siap salah2 jalan lagi mule2. Well bukan la salah jalan, tp terlepas simpang yg nak masuk umah die. Tp semangat punya pasal, kitorang pun ngan excited nyer u-turn blk. Walaupun kena u-turn tu agak jauh gak la. Then kitorang pun nmpk la majlis yg sedang berlangsung itu. Ngan excited nyer ktorg pun pusing blk, utk tgk kali kedua...Hehhe...

Mase dah pusing blk tuh, kitorang bwk la slow2..then, nmpk la ader mamat n minah n ader budak kecik, bwk cam bungkusan2 bwk blk tuh...kitorang pun ckp la...'tgk korang, siap ader bekas2 polisterine lagi'

then kitorang pun mengamati la budak2 tuh...mule2 kitorang ingatkan a fren of ours cum our spy gak la. tp bukan, pastu saliza ckp, 'ntah2 ofismate korang'..then lepas sharn mengamati mamat tuh mmg sah la budak tuh ofismate die which means ofismate our ex-hosmet nih la...

then mase tuh la i realize yg the girl yg tgh jln ngan mamat tuh was HER!! hahaha.. terjerit2 la kitorang dlm krete sharn yg bising itu....hehehehhe...mmg kantoi kitorang gi spy open house rumah die....mesti die ckp kitorang nih funny....hhaha...
dah la mule2 bwk slow giler, pas tahu tuh die, terus pecut...hehehe....

tp mmg ktorg tergelak giler la bile pk2 blk kejadian tuh...lawak btul...hehehe...
muahahahaha.....:p mesti dlm hati ex hosmet tuh berkate2.."funny la korang nih"
which is her fav quote. :p

*Big grin*

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