Last weekend can be concluded as one of the bess weekend in my life. :)
I went to Penang to go to Elia's wedding. N most of the time spent with the one i love. Elia's solemnisation was nice. Their event was simple n sweet. :) Afzal n Elia are meant each other. N to see the union of these two great ppl are just so so so sweet. Hehe...Tho penat, we both had great time photographing the bride n groom. Well not me, i was merely 'constructing' the post. Huhu...
Well, bess jugak dpt catch up with old frens. Farid n Lisa was at the wedding. Jumpe bf lisa. N anak farid yg comey tuh. Tp dlm duk catch up catch up with each other, we neglect the ceramah or khutbah the tok kadi was given. Then tetibe kitorang tgk org dah doa. Rupenyer2 elia dah slamat jadi isteri org time tuh. Without her or us sedar. Bcoz the initial plan was they wud call elia out when its time for the akd nikah. Unfortunately, sbb tok kadi duduk atas bantal yg suppossedly elia duduk, so they tak panggil elia kluar. Poor elia, she missed the most impt moment of her life...luckily there was a video shoot. tp kinda a bummer jugak la.
Anyway, it was his bday. We had great time on the day before. That's when i bought him his present, assuming dat we'd both be too tired after the photoshoot that we wouldnt be able to round the malls for psp. N turns out it was all true. Hehe.. Its a bummer as well, sbb he was cranky n tired, n i wasnt able to put his mood rite. To think it was his bday, n that's how he spent it, its kinda makes me question myself. 'Wud dat sumeone be better than me in dealing with his moods? Wud she be able to cheer him up?' All sorts of mind-poisoning questions. Its not that i didnt try to denied it...But its just me, im the worrier. The over thinking type. I just cudnt help it. Im not blaming him, well he has his reason for not telling them...Hmm...i just hope i can handle it without the feeling of insecurities. In time...I wud...in time...
Luckily sunday was always a lazy day. So we just laid back a bit n had fun just by being and spending time with each other doing basically nothing. Just eating n talking n eating n talking. It was nice. Seriously, it was nice...:)
Oh yes, n it was oja's bday today, so HAPPY 25th BIRTHDAY, OJA dear..:)
It was my sis bday yesterday, so HAPPY 32nd BIRTHDAY, K LYNN...:)
N it was my boo's bday on the 25th, so HAPPY 25th BIRTHDAY ABG. N as u said, u'r 25 on 25th...:) *Missing U Much Dear, Mwahsss*
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