Monday, August 27, 2007

Last Weekend

Last weekend can be concluded as one of the bess weekend in my life. :)
I went to Penang to go to Elia's wedding. N most of the time spent with the one i love. Elia's solemnisation was nice. Their event was simple n sweet. :) Afzal n Elia are meant each other. N to see the union of these two great ppl are just so so so sweet. Hehe...Tho penat, we both had great time photographing the bride n groom. Well not me, i was merely 'constructing' the post. Huhu...

Well, bess jugak dpt catch up with old frens. Farid n Lisa was at the wedding. Jumpe bf lisa. N anak farid yg comey tuh. Tp dlm duk catch up catch up with each other, we neglect the ceramah or khutbah the tok kadi was given. Then tetibe kitorang tgk org dah doa. Rupenyer2 elia dah slamat jadi isteri org time tuh. Without her or us sedar. Bcoz the initial plan was they wud call elia out when its time for the akd nikah. Unfortunately, sbb tok kadi duduk atas bantal yg suppossedly elia duduk, so they tak panggil elia kluar. Poor elia, she missed the most impt moment of her life...luckily there was a video shoot. tp kinda a bummer jugak la.

Anyway, it was his bday. We had great time on the day before. That's when i bought him his present, assuming dat we'd both be too tired after the photoshoot that we wouldnt be able to round the malls for psp. N turns out it was all true. Hehe.. Its a bummer as well, sbb he was cranky n tired, n i wasnt able to put his mood rite. To think it was his bday, n that's how he spent it, its kinda makes me question myself. 'Wud dat sumeone be better than me in dealing with his moods? Wud she be able to cheer him up?' All sorts of mind-poisoning questions. Its not that i didnt try to denied it...But its just me, im the worrier. The over thinking type. I just cudnt help it. Im not blaming him, well he has his reason for not telling them...Hmm...i just hope i can handle it without the feeling of insecurities. In time...I time...

Luckily sunday was always a lazy day. So we just laid back a bit n had fun just by being and spending time with each other doing basically nothing. Just eating n talking n eating n talking. It was nice. Seriously, it was nice...:)

Oh yes, n it was oja's bday today, so HAPPY 25th BIRTHDAY, OJA dear..:)

It was my sis bday yesterday, so HAPPY 32nd BIRTHDAY, K LYNN...:)

N it was my boo's bday on the 25th, so HAPPY 25th BIRTHDAY ABG. N as u said, u'r 25 on 25th...:) *Missing U Much Dear, Mwahsss*

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Melly Goeslow - Gantung

Melly Goeslaw - Gantung

Ku harus menemui cintaku
Mencari tahu hubungan kita
Apa masih atau t’lah berakhir

(*) Kau menggantungkan hubungan ini
Kau diamkan aku tanpa sebab
Maunya apa ku harus bagaimana

Reff I: Sampai kapan kau gantung cerita cintaku
Memberi harapan
Hingga mungkin ku tak sanggup lagi
Dan meninggalkan dirimu hoo…

Detik-detik waktupun terbuang
Teganya kau menggantung cintaku
Bicaralah biar semua pasti

Reff II: Gantungnya hubungan cinta denganmu
Membuatku sakit
Hingga mungkin ku tak sanggup lagi
Dan meninggalkan dirimu hoo…

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Sumthing I came across

Question: Why do I feel threatened by my partner's opposite-sex friends?

Answer: If your partner is enjoying the company of another person, and that person is someone of the opposite sex from your partner, the answer is pretty obvious: you're worried about your mate becoming sexually attracted to that person, and, well, you know what happens next....

It's quite common for a couple to struggle with the thorny issue of opposite-sex friends. Sometimes the problem arises from one partner refusing to let go of past boyfriends or girlfriends. Individuals who keep the old flames' phone numbers in their contact file believe it doesn't make sense to dispose of the friendship just because the romance fizzled out.

Some opposite-sex relationships spring from the workplace. In many job sites, including the military, men and women work side by side. When put into high-intensity situations, people bond. Some people, even if they're married, think that it's artificial to limit these positive work experiences to the office. They figure that if it feels good to be around their officemate during work, it should feel good spending time together after work as well.

Even though your mate sees lots of good reasons to foster these friendships, you have an even better reason not to: because it threatens your relationship.
You're concerned that if your partner has a friendship with a person today, it could grow into a love affair tomorrow. And you have every reason to be concerned.

The Warning Signs

When one individual shares intimacies with another of the opposite sex, they develop a familiarity that binds them closer together. This connection breeds feelings of "specialness" that leaves each with the sense that they have a unique understanding of each other -- one that other people can't appreciate. The big problem with this arrangement is that it excludes you and directs the energies that should be going into your relationship out toward other people.
Your mate may believe that opposite-sex friendships are harmless because his or her friend is married. But that's just dead wrong! Many friendships outside of marriage start as "just friends" and grow closer and more intimate. Because these friendships are so fresh, interesting and compelling, it's not long before the two people involved start to think they are more compatible than their own life partners. It's a small step from that realization to the development of a full-blown affair, and the destruction of a marriage.

Do you need to be concerned?

Ask yourself these questions:
1. Is the person someone whom your partner would consider "attractive"?
2. Are they spending time together outside of the office (even for office lunches) when other people are not around?
3. Has your partner excluded this "friend" from your life, either by nottelling you when they are meeting, refusing to introduce you, or going into another room to talk on the phone when you are nearby?
4. Does your partner tell you that he or she has the kind of relationship with this friend that you just couldn't understand?
A "yes" to question #1 and any of the other three questions means your partner's friendship may be a threat to your relationship.

If your mate is involved in a special relationship that makes you uncomfortable, don't ignore that feeling. You've got to ask for what you need -- for your mate to end further personal and exclusive friendships with people of the opposite sex. Remember, your partner may not be intending to hurt you, and may honestly feel like there is nothing to worry about. You can help him or her understand your concerns; it may help to read this article together.

Finally, your partner may feel it's rude or unfair to the "friend" to end the exclusivity of the friendship. That may be right, but frankly, not taking action is rude and unfair to you. In all cases, the needs of your relationship outweigh the needs of a friend. After all, you should always be number one on your partner's buddy list.

Sunday, August 12, 2007


Dah lame dah tak update2 blog nih. Bukan takde mase, ader je mase ekceli. Cume i got better things to do. Plus i really dun know wut or how to write. A lot, n i mean A LOT of things had happened. Sum bring tears, sum bring joy happiness n all in all, i hope these are for the better.

So, nak crite pasal ape? let me crite pasal a 'misunderstanding' my hosmets had. Well, its started when my hosmets decided nak confront ngan one member of our rumah. We tried to col out a meeting, tp she end up tak dtg. Ktorg ketuk pintu pun die tak kluar. So bile kitorang discuss punyer discuss, kitorang pun decided nak tulis surat kat die. Well, ekceli this surat was meant to ask her y she do the things yg she did. So kitorang pun brainstorm nak tulis ape. Tulis2, dah print seme n dpt persetujuan dr seme hosmet, kitorang pun kasi la kat die.

Tp surat tu telah memburukkan keadaan and menyebabkan kitorang cam bermasam muke. Well ekceli, ader la plan nak face to face sbb seme tulis dlm surat, n emails n cet. So kitorang pun nak la col out meeting again. Tp unfortunately, didecline nye again.
Lastly, this thing end up ngan my hosmet tu kluar.

Well, takde niat sbenarnyer nak wat mende nih jadi camnih. cam tak bess pun ader. Sbb we've been living together for nearly 2 years, tp cannot overcome this stupid thingy. Tp ape2 pun, i guess seme dah jadi, tp i think, my hosmets yg lelen tuh tak regret writing that letter. Sbb we meant to clear the air. Tp dah disalah tafsir. Hopefully die akan realize one day yg wut we did was sincere n just nak a few clarification n understanding from her.

So skrang nih kitorang tgh tunggu a new member yg nak join in our household. :) hopefully mende camni tak jadi lagi in the future.


That was the 1st update story. The second one, about hakeem. Ishk, anak sedara yg sorang nih skrang dah 1thn 2 bln. Pandai cakap, berlakon n wat gaya2 lawak die. N dah pandai jalan, tp takut n malas. heheh.... Tp sgt bess layan die skrang nih. N bess jer bile dgr die panggil 'Nana'. Die takkan berenti panggil slagi kite tak nyahut blk. Br bukak pintu or die dgr batuk jer, tak nmpk lagi nih, dah panggil dah..'Nana! Nana!' Smpi la nyahut n smpi la kite ader depan2 mate die. :p

Comey...windu dah kat brape jam tak jumpe....

Anis plak, makin nakal. Notty. N very clever. N very cunning. N craving for attention sbb most attention dah berpaling kat adik die...sian die...hehehe... tp takde la cam tak dilayan langsung...layan still layan..:p


Elia dah nak kawen. Hehe..n guess who's taking the photo for her akad nikah? Oh, obviously not ME. Its my better half. Yup MY better half. :)
The bestest update ever!!